Initialize Cluster

Monitoring & Debugging


Here is what we’ll do in this example:

  1. Start a Spark Standalone Cluster and connect with the PySpark shell.
  2. Create a DataFrame and open the application web UI.
  3. Debug a runtime error by locating the failed task in the web UI.
  4. Run an SQL query to monitor, then scale up by adding another worker to the cluster.

Note I am running this on an IBM cloud platform, your use will vary as to how you start and access your UI.

Standalone Cluster

We will initialize a Spark Standalone Cluster with a Master and one Worker.

  • We will start a PySpark shell that connects to the cluster and open the Spark Application Web UI to monitor it.
  • We will be using the terminal to run commands and
  • Docker-based containers to launch the Spark processe

Download Data

  • Open a new terminal
  • Download the data to the container
$ wget

Stop Previous Containers

  • Stop any previous running containers with
~$ for i in `docker ps | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v CONTAINER`; do docker kill $i;


Remove Previous Containers

  • ignore any comments regarding: No such containers
~$ docker rm spark-master spark-worker-1 spark-worker-2

Error response from daemon: No such container: spark-master
Error response from daemon: No such container: spark-worker-1
Error response from daemon: No such container: spark-worker-2

Start Master Server

~$ docker run \
    --name spark-master \
    -h spark-master \
    -e ENABLE_INIT_DAEMON=false \
    -p 4040:4040 \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -v `pwd`:/home/root \
    -d bde2020/spark-master:3.1.1-hadoop3.2

Start Spark Worker

~$ docker run \
    --name spark-worker-1 \
    --link spark-master:spark-master \
    -e ENABLE_INIT_DAEMON=false \
    -p 8081:8081 \
    -v `pwd`:/home/root \
    -d bde2020/spark-worker:3.1.1-hadoop3.2

Connect PySpark to Cluster

  • Connect PySpark shell to the cluster and open the UI
  • Launch PySpark shell in the running Spark Master container
~$ docker exec \
    -it `docker ps | grep spark-master | awk '{print $1}'` \
    /spark/bin/pyspark \
    --master spark://spark-master:7077
# Response
Setting default log level to "WARN".
To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
Welcome to
      ____              __
     / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
    _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
   /__ / .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 3.1.1

Using Python version 3.7.10 (default, Mar  2 2021 09:06:08)
Spark context Web UI available at http://spark-master:4040
Spark context available as 'sc' (master = spark://spark-master:7077, app id = app-20241104160301-0000).
SparkSession available as 'spark'.

Create DataFrame in the Shell

  • Press ENTER twice to proceed after running the command in the shell
>>> df ="/home/root/cars.csv", header=True, inferSchema=True) \
    .repartition(32) \

| mpg|cylinders|displacement|horsepower|weight|acceleration|model|origin|            car_name|
|12.0|        8|       455.0|     225.0|4951.0|        11.0|   73|     1|buick electra 225...|
|27.0|        4|        97.0|     88.00|2100.0|        16.5|   72|     3|toyota corolla 16...|
|33.0|        4|       105.0|     74.00|2190.0|        14.2|   81|     2|    volkswagen jetta|
|21.0|        6|       200.0|         ?|2875.0|        17.0|   74|     1|       ford maverick|
|31.0|        4|       112.0|     85.00|2575.0|        16.2|   82|     1|pontiac j2000 se ...|
|36.0|        4|       105.0|     74.00|1980.0|        15.3|   82|     2| volkswagen rabbit l|
|25.5|        4|       140.0|     89.00|2755.0|        15.8|   77|     1| ford mustang ii 2+2|
|38.0|        6|       262.0|     85.00|3015.0|        17.0|   82|     1|oldsmobile cutlas...|
|13.0|        8|       318.0|     150.0|3940.0|        13.2|   76|     1|plymouth volare p...|
|18.0|        6|       258.0|     110.0|2962.0|        13.5|   71|     1|amc hornet sporta...|
|23.0|        4|        97.0|     54.00|2254.0|        23.5|   72|     2|   volkswagen type 3|
|20.0|        4|       130.0|     102.0|3150.0|        15.7|   76|     2|           volvo 245|
|19.4|        6|       232.0|     90.00|3210.0|        17.2|   78|     1|         amc concord|
|18.1|        6|       258.0|     120.0|3410.0|        15.1|   78|     1|     amc concord d/l|
|13.0|        8|       302.0|     130.0|3870.0|        15.0|   76|     1|           ford f108|
|26.0|        4|       156.0|     92.00|2585.0|        14.5|   82|     1|chrysler lebaron ...|
|23.0|        4|       115.0|     95.00|2694.0|        15.0|   75|     2|          audi 100ls|
|25.0|        4|       140.0|     92.00|2572.0|        14.9|   76|     1|            capri ii|
|20.0|        6|       232.0|     100.0|2914.0|        16.0|   75|     1|         amc gremlin|
|27.2|        4|       119.0|     97.00|2300.0|        14.7|   78|     3|          datsun 510|
only showing top 20 rows

Launch UI

  • Click on Network Toolbox (IBM specific only)
  • Launch your application
  • Enter port number: 4040
  • Now we have the UI in a seperated tab

Run Query

  • We will create a UDF
  • Run a query that causes an error
  • Locate the error and
  • Find the root cause of the error
  • Correct the error and
  • Re-run the query


from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
import time

def engine(cylinders):
    time.sleep(0.2)  # Intentionally delay task
    eng = {6: "V6", 8: "V8"}
    return eng[cylinders]

Add UDF as column

>>> df = df.withColumn("engine", engine("cylinders"))

Group DF by cylinders

>>> dfg = df.groupby("cylinders")

Aggregate other columns

>>> dfa = dfg.agg({"mpg": "avg", "engine": "first"})



  File "<stdin>", line 5, in engine
KeyError: 4

>>> 24/11/04 16:13:20 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 0.3 in stage 7.0 (TID 15) ( executor 0): TaskKilled (Stage cancelled)
24/11/04 16:13:20 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 1.2 in stage 7.0 (TID 13) ( executor 0): TaskKilled (Stage cancelled)


As you see above from the errors, the task failed

Debug Error

  • From the UI, click on the Jobs Tab
  • Find the Failed Jobs list down below
  • Click on the first Job

Overview of Failed Job

Details of Failed Job

Failure Reason

  • If you scroll down in the Failure Reason column
  • File <stdin>, line 5, in engine KeyError: 4…..

First thing I noticed is the fact that the data has 3 cylinder groups and we only specified 2 in the UDF

Correct UDF

>>> @udf("string")
def engine(cylinders):
    time.sleep(0.2)  # Intentionally delay task
    eng = {4: "inline-four", 6: "V6", 8: "V8"}
    return eng.get(cylinders, "other")

Re-Run Query

df = df.withColumn("engine", engine("cylinders"))
dfg = df.groupby("cylinders")
dfa = dfg.agg({"mpg": "avg", "engine": "first"})

|cylinders|          avg(mpg)|first(engine)|
|        6|19.985714285714288|           V6|
|        3|             20.55|        other|
|        5|27.366666666666664|        other|
|        4|29.286764705882348|  inline-four|
|        8|14.963106796116506|           V8|

Add Worker to Cluster

Now that we have run our query successfully, we will scale up our application by adding a worker to the cluster. This will allow the cluster to run more tasks in parallel and improve the overall performance.


  • Click on stage id 10 the stage with 32 tasks


  • Looking at the timeline, you can see there is a single worker with id 0 / <ip-address> that can run up to a certain amount of tasks in parallel at one time.
  • If you count the boxes in the row (=32)
  • Adding another worker will allow an additional tasks to be run in parallel.

Add Second worker

  • New terminal
  • Add second worker to the cluster
~$ docker run \
    --name spark-worker-2 \
    --link spark-master:spark-master \
    -e ENABLE_INIT_DAEMON=false \
    -p 8082:8082 \
    -d bde2020/spark-worker:3.1.1-hadoop3.2
# OUTPUT Container ID

Go Back To Working Terminal

  • Go back to the terminal with the Spark shell open

Re-Run Query with 2nd Worker

|cylinders|          avg(mpg)|first(engine)|
|        6|19.985714285714284|           V6|
|        3|             20.55|        other|
|        5|27.366666666666664|        other|
|        4|29.286764705882348|  inline-four|
|        8|14.963106796116506|           V8|

Launch UI

  • Just as we did above relaunch the UI at port 4040
  • Stages Tab
  • Look at the latest Stage id row

  • Click on the Description of Stage id=38 to view details
  • You will see the additional worker with id 1/